Page 10 - Copy of MNS Strategic Business Plan (Digital Version)
P. 10
The Ministry of National Security has a mandate to facilitate the
maintenance of law and order, protect Jamaica against internal and
external threats, ensure the safety of Jamaica's borders, and punish and
rehabilitate offenders. This Strategic Business Plan will highlight the broad
strategies to be undertaken by the Ministry over the medium term. These
strategies are as critical to the Ministry’s medium-term agenda as they are to
the success of the country’s overall economic growth and development.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), particularly
goals 5, 10, 11 and 16 as well as Jamaica’s National Development Plan, also
known as Vision 2030, serve as the central frame of reference for the
Ministry’s efforts. The Ministry’s policies, programmes and projects are also
guided by the Medium-Term Socio-Economic Framework (MTF). These three
function in tandem to undergird and drive the Ministry’s thrust towards a
secure, cohesive and just society (National Goal Number 2), as well as to add
impetus to the attainment of the Government of Jamaica Strategic Priority:
Rule of Law and Timely Justice Outcomes.
The Ministry has oversight responsibility for ten (10) portfolio entities
(Departments and Agencies), including the Department of Correctional
Services (DCS), the Institute of Forensic Science and Legal Medicine (IFSLM),
the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), the Jamaica Combined Cadet Force
(JCCF), and the Major Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption Agency (MOCA).
The Ministry’s oversight responsibility also includes an Executive Agency: The
Passport Immigration and Citizenship Agency (PICA), as well as four (4)
Public Bodies: The Firearm Licensing Authority (FLA), the Police Civilian
Oversight Authority (PCOA), the Private Security Regulation Authority (PSRA)
and the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) for which the Ministry serves as a proxy
ministerial home.