Banned Restricted Items


Click here to download the application form.

The Ministry processes applications for the importation and clearance of restricted and banned goods that require authorisation from the Minister of National Security, in keeping with the Customs Act and other legislation.

These goods include the following:

·         Firearms and ammunition;

·         Accessories of firearms, including holsters;

·         Explosives, including pyrotechnics ("fireworks", “firecrackers” and "flares")

·         Armoured Trucks

·         Bows and Arrows

·         Bullet Proof Vests (properly known as Ballistic Vests)

·         Camouflage Clothing

·         Camouflage Material

·         Credit Card Scanning Equipment

·         Crossbows

·         Handcuffs

·         Laser Lights

·         Metal Detectors

·         Motor Cycles over 700cc

·         Pepper Spray

·         Radar Detectors

·         Riot Gear

·         Spears

·         Swords (and daggers/knives)

·         Toy Guns

Individuals who wish to legally import and clear these items in Jamaica should apply to the Ministry of National Security for the required authorisation prior to shipping to Jamaica, using the prescribed Form. Failure to do so may result in the detention of the goods. Application processing time may be approximately ten (10) working days before a decision by the Honourable Minister to grant or not grant this authorisation is made. Completed Application Forms may be submitted to the Ministry at NCB Towers, North Tower, 2 Oxford Kingston 5, or emailed to Please note that all relevant sections of the Form must be completed and copies of all supporting documents must be provided, as prescribed.